🎉 I gave an oral at the Micro2Macro Workshop at the University of Wyoming in Laramie from October 28-30

Oct 28, 2024·
· 1 min read

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It was really a great experience to attend the Micro2Macro Workshop, where I had the opportunity to present my latest work on “A Novel Computational Framework for Optimal Experimental Design to Improve Climate Prediction.” This presentation highlighted the framework for model-observing system co-design and I really want to emphasize the OSSE (Observing System Simulation Experiment) concept, showing how model can provide extra information for guiding measurement deployment. It was also amazing to run into the first snow of 2024 in Wyoming when people were discussing ice nuclei warmly😄. Many thanks to US CLIVAR for the travel support! 💐It really means a lot for early career scientists to have the opportunity to attend this kind of workshop. It was inspiring to connect with experts and learn about advancements across climate science, challenges for reducing the uncertainty, and the pitch for next step—excited to bring these insights back to my work.